Special Education
Special Education
Hickman County High School provides special education services to those students who qualify for such services as outlined in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations. The Hickman County School District issues that all exceptional children who reside within this district and who are of the age specified by federal and state law will have provided to them a free, appropriate public education including special education and related services to meet their unique needs. The special education curriculum is designed to promote attainment of the six learning goals and seventy- five valued outcomes of KERA. Portfolios are prepared in English classes. The district shall also issue that the rights of exceptional children and their parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are protected.
The following high school Special Education courses are offered:
Course Name Course Number
Science I (Biology) 9032
Science II (Integrated) 9022
Science III (lntro Chem/Physics) 9035
English I 9001
English II 9002
English III 9003
English IV 9004
Social Studies I (W. Civ) 9014
Social Studies II (Am. History) 9020
Social Studies III (Gov/Econ) 9028
Math I 9026
Math II 9120
Math III 9031